Friday, February 19, 2010

Anxiety Free Dentistry in Havertown PA!

Delaware County, You don't need to be afraid of going to the dentist anymore!

For many Americans, going to the dentist is a frightful event, even thought dentistry has changed so much in the past years. A visit to the dentist can now be relaxing and fun. Unfortunately, this is not enough for the approximately 145 million people who avoid the dentist due to fear.

Dr. Neilson and his caring team, is a dentist who practices in Havertown Pennsylvania. He has completed special training that allows him to treat these fearful people.

Dr. Neilson says" I have always been very sensitive to my patients with high fear apprehension and now I can offer them a safe and even more comfortable experience. I feel so many good people are avoiding needed care due fear. I am looking forward to helping these people visit the dentist with this safe and wonderful technique of anxiety free dentistry.

Dr. Neilson is a member of the fastest growing organization of its kind in dentistry, the Dental Organization for conscious Sedation-DOCS. The purpose of DOCS is to provide the education necessary for dentists to provide needed care to the large population of people who are avoiding the dentist and to improve their lives with better dental health.

"Dentistry is very high tech today, with all sorts of gadgets that get the job done better and quicker, but now with anxiety-free dentistry, I can bridge the gap between technology and comfort," said Dr. Neilson.

He added, "You should see the look on the faces of my patients when they complete their care and have a healthy mouth-there aren't words to describe it! That look is why I love dentistry. I helped change someone's life."

Dr. Neilson and his team are proud of their commitment to our community. They can be reached at 610-789-9400 with any questions regarding anxiety-free dentistry

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Want a Whiter Smile?

Exciting News for People Wanting Whiter Teeth!

Dr. Howard Neilson, “The Deep Bleaching Dentist of the Delaware Valley,” is getting patients’ teeth stunningly white.

Have you ever wished your teeth were whiter? Now amazingly whiter teeth can be yours, and without the sensitivity of the past! Dr. Neilson is one the first dentists in the area using a new tooth Whitening process known as Deep Bleaching, “The Most Effective Tooth Whitening Process Ever Developed!”

In the past tooth whitening was unpredictable; some people achieved very good results, a few excellent results, but most were just “ok” too disappointing. “One visit” in-office bleaching promised convenience and great results in a short time, but again the outcomes were unpredictable and usually required further treatment, or retreatments every year.

Now an exciting new whitening process is available call Deep Bleaching! Dr. Neislon uses a technique recently developed in California which will get your teeth as white as they can be! As matter of fact he not only promises a “knock your socks off” result, he guarantees it!

“Everyone can now comfortably achieve whiter teeth with virtually no sensitivity,” says Dr. Neilson. The process consists of two easy office visits of about an hour each, separated by tow weeks. (avg.) of bleaching at home. Specially made custom fitted trays make this process unique and incredibly effective. The trays are soft and thin, very comfortable and easy to wear, and can be kept after the process to use for long-term maintenance. “The results we see are outstanding and, with easy occasional maintenance, permanent” says Dr. Neilson who is bleaching his own teeth as well as several staff members.